
Looking back, Phones were scarce, computers very rare to find.  Ten (10) years down the line, a drastic change. A change in way of life. Very simple to say, but this comes with a swift impact on how to go about things. One on One campaign has been the order of the day …. A very good approach and the best way to get the attention of everyone. On the other side, the house to house approach also seems to be working well. What of the direct contact approach? Have you thought of how to get to millions of people directly all by yourself? Is this even possible? And the Answer is Yes, with the help of social media it is very possible.  Within this article we will focus on all that you need to know about Social Media as a tool for winning elections.

How to Use Social Media to Win Election

As it stands, social media is a tool for socialization. Using it as a tool for branding and campaigns requires technical understanding of how it works in order to take advantage of it and as well to get the rightfully intended feedback. Within this section we will focus on how to use social media as a tool to win elections.

Simply to say, the best way out with less stress is to contact our dedicated professional for assistance, because they have been using these systems for long period of time, mastering all the essentials skills and the best practices to get the most encouraging feedback. With that said below are some of the tips:


As broad as It sounds, refers to all that you want to portray to the prominent voters. Including the main aim and objectives.  Contesting for an election, one ought to have his/her manifesto, and all efforts should be geared toward getting your tone, your style, and how you want to be seen by the public right. This is one thing that demand proper planning and insight (The first step to winning). How people perceive you counts, make sure all that you put out there is in line with this core values, portraying yours aims and objectives.  

Controlling Communication

Information is key and every information that goes out there contributes to how voters perceives you and in the long run helps in the decision making of the voters. Due to its importance it is also a very difficult task, making it easier is to have a mouth piece, thus a specific place to speak to the public, being it a social media handle or website.   This is one of the areas overlooked by many.  but it has proven to be the best approach to control communication as a politician. Verification of hearsays by the public will be easier by confirming from your handle, your website or your Page. This goes a long way to provide first hand and direct communication to the public with less Hussle, as well it provides a source for testing the authenticity of all hearsays.


Getting a content specialist is key, [if in need of one contact us now] because analyzing and making sure the content posted out there is in line with the core objective is a skill to master. On the other hand, managing and overseeing this yourself worth it,  because no other person knows you more than yourself. Even when given to a specialist make sure you review every post before publishing in order to avoid miscommunication.


This is where the magic happens! Reaching prominent voters one on one is very difficult, not to say getting their time. Every one has his/her own schedule thus free periods varies. Even mood also contribute to readiness to listen to you or not.  With all this said online advertisement helps solve most of this problem by popping up right Infront of the users. Though sometimes boring, we all have been caught by an ad before. Targeted ads give rise to many possibilities, from getting the right people to getting the correct age group and as well those within specific geographical areas. Measuring success of these advertisements (ads) are also possible through direct access to real metrics, making you realize how the advertisement is faring as explained within the google analytics section.

How to Use Ads in promoting campaign message

Usually ads are used to advertise products and services by companies, but can this contribute to the promotion of campaign messages? Absolutely Yes! As long as it helps to promote products and services, it would be the best way to promote humanitarian services. The campaign message can be promoted through this medium.

In addition, it comes with all the ability of measuring the interaction and conversion (how many people perform a specific action) for analysis and evaluation. Usually this advertisement can be of the form:

  1. Text
  2. Infographics /Images
  3. Videos
  4. Website Links

And Most of the social media platforms has provided the opportunity to configure and start this advertisement, below are the links to some

  1. Adwords
  2. Facebook
  3. Twitter

Major Social Media Tools to help Win an Election.

There are myriad of tools which helps in social media promotion, some proven very effective and others not that good. Also, these tools come with their own level of complexity and technicalities. Don’t be carried away with the simple looking interfaces of some of these tools.  there is a lot to it than it really looks. As long as you spending money, make sure you do it right in order to avoid wasteful spending. Let’s get into it

Google Tools

Yeah! Google has tons of tools for this purpose. Each and its unique features, focusing on some few thus Google Analytics, Google Adwords or ads, and URL Builder. These tools are very broad to be explained in a single post. Will focus on the overview with scenario-based explanation and finally point to useful resources for further study and understanding.

Google Analytics.

This is a tool which helps give insights and real metrics on visitors of your website. Not Just random data but real data, with it configured properly, one can track lifecycle of followers thus Acquisition, Behavior and  conversion. Within a simple scenario a broadcast, advertisement, or link share can be tracked for insightful data. When link is clicked. The person who clicked the links’ device information and details like interest, age group, Location and other useful data are all collected, this visitors activity on the site is also collected  (whether he signed up, moved to other pages, time spent on the page and many others ). To put long story short this tool helps in collecting of data about visitors’ behaviors which help enhance decision making. Also signing up for google analytics is 100% free all you need is a website.

URL Builder

This is a tool which works hand in hand with Google analytics, many see this tool as a subset of google analytics, due to the fact that it is on a different domain and have different use cases, I usually refer to it as a different tool. URL Builder is a tool which helps structure links properly. This tool help google analytics keep track of link metrics. It is very simple to use. By giving identifiable information about the link in question, URL builder generates a new link.

Due to the nature of how link builder works, it always results in longer URL which is not good for many reasons. To keep these links shortened, URL shortners like bitly is worth exploring

Google Ads (AdWords)

This is the platform that helps you reach the target audience through digital ads, whereby ads refer to advertisements.  Yes!  I am talking about those ads that show up when you surfing the internet. The Good news is you have granular control over whom, how, and where this advertisement is been showed or placed, making it very proficient for targeted campaigns. With this tool, one can estimate the number of clicks, conversions, and others right from the dashboard. Also, knowing how much is being spent and the returns. This helps in in-depth analysis, thus:  If this returns worth the money being spent or the campaign needs some adjustments. The most important part is there are many different types of ads, and they are grouped into:

Display Ads

Also, these ads don’t show up only on google, but on other sites within the Google network, this helps a lot when it comes to direct campaign and targeted campaigns. Though the interface looks simple, don’t be carried there is a lot to it, contact our experts to help you out. Remember it involves spending money, spend wisely, measure and evaluate your returns, and makes the necessary adjustments as to when necessary in order to help win the election. 

Other Promoted Ads Platforms

Though google is a bigger network when it comes to ads but other social media platforms have other nice ads platforms similar to google and they all uses similar scheme. Below are some of the promoted ads platforms and their respective getting started documentation to get you up and running, Also don’t forget our experts are always available to assist you.



Drip or Mailchimp for emails





Importance of social Media in winning elections

Social media with its dopamine, addictions and influence it has come to stay whether good or bad. On Average, owners of smartphones spends0 148 minutes of their time every day using social media. And within this period, they focus on things that satisfy their interests and their personal values, including their secrecy and curiosity. This gives rise to many advantages, below are some importance of social media as a tool for winning an election

Direct Access to Prominent Voters

It’s the priority of every politician not to waste money! yeah, money shouldn’t be wasted. With the ability of social media algorithms.  Everyone on the platform (being it Facebook twitter, Instagram, etc). Has been monitored and grouped according to their Geographic location, Age group, Background … etc, and also their interest areas. From the political perspective, this is a good metric that aids in targeting prominent voters to campaign directly to them.

Gaining insight based on real data for Analysis

Also, as long as you putting in money, Measurement and Evaluation is something that worth considering. The most difficult area to cover by every politician is to ascertain how the campaign went. Usually using the masses who attended as the scale which always leads to bloated values, with winning election with social media approach, insights on realistic data is given showing almost all the necessary information needed to make the rightful decisions.

Building Fan Base

Have you thought of gathering the email accounts of your followers? what of their telephone numbers? WhatsApp, twitter handles, and many others… there are no other means to get this right without social media itself. Building a fanbase is very good. It helps you know those for you and those who have a keen interest in what you are doing. Also, it’s a medium to communicate directly to your followers. There is no better example than America, His Excellency the 45th President of America, Donald trump use this medium a lot, with his twitter handle building his fan base and communicating to his people. This has proven very good and worth experimenting with or giving it a try.  Start building your fan base and your campaign will just be a button click away. Give it a try a key to winning an election.

Social Media Platforms that help in winning an Elections               

There are many social media platforms that can help in winning an election, but the most popular ones are listed below, Also make sure most of your target audience is using the social media handle you are targetting. To get started by creating accounts for each of this medium






Whats app


How to Measure and Evaluate Social Media Success.

With all this said, interpreting the data received within the google analytics portal is one of the needed skills to help know what is to be done and how it should be done.  This requires a whole book to talk about all the nitty-gritty details of winning an election but the good news is most of this data can be interpreted by simple analysis. It is best to get a professional, in order to cover all the advance features to avoid wrong decision making. Below are some few tips and trick [if you need a professional kindly call +233550696082 for technical advice]:

Higher Bounce Rate

Bounce rate refers to the rate at which visitors leave your site. In simple terms it refers to the visitors who visit your website and doesn’t click other links on the site as in they visit a single page of your site and don’t click to explore other pages but leaves. When you realize that you are having higher percental of bounce rate then you should consider engaging your visitors by making necessary adjustments to the landing page .

Subscribers and Followers

This refers to the number of people who have expressed interest in what you do and want to get updates or firsthand information that you post or talk about. The higher the number the better (Remember you can run ads purposefully for increasing this figure on some of the social media platforms).

Conversion Rate

This refers to the rate at which visitors perform the actions stated in your ads. Call to action is the statement that pushes viewers to perform specific action or task for example:

  1. Signup as a loyal fun (collection of emails or telephone numbers).
  2. Call us now (getting direct calls).
  3. Subscribe Now (for getting subscribers) etc.

This should be included in every advertisement in order to let the viewers know exactly what is expected of them. The high the conversion rate the better.

When it comes to social media marketing, there is a whole lot to it. As well, adding the act of winning an election also adds up to the stress! Don’t be pushed away as a journey of thousand miles starts with a single step. You can contact us to get you up and running with all the essential skills to become a good social media advertiser. And as well be able to use the knowledge gained to promote campaign messages in order to help win elections in this current era.