Children are better off when introduced to programming at their tender age. This helps them improve cognitively and psychologically. there are many different types of children depending on their nature and their interest. But when introduced to challenging activities that yield direct feedback, it triggers engagement of the child, Hence longer attention span. There are many programming languages but looking at the nature of children; Visual Programming Language also known as Graphical programming language is the perfect match. Also, there are tips and tricks that will help improve their programming skills. Below are three sites that help teach children. the good news is it is free.
Scratch is a block-based graphical programming language, created by MIT Lab targetting children. it helps children who can read and write to learn some basic programming concepts and as well enjoy direct feedback. Scratch does not involve writing code directly. It uses a nice graphical user interface that supports drag and drop.

AppInventor is a web application Integrated Development Environment, this site uses scratch Graphical programming. this helps create android applications on the run. AppInventer is even used at the tertiary level to teach programming to newbies. the good news is it is free and is currently maintained by MIT

Crunchzilla offers interactive and direct feedback tutorials that get people engaged and excited about programming. crunchzilla helps newbie programmers like children to understand javascript and start writing advanced javascript. This is not for children only. it has a code monster which is for preteens and children. also, code maven which is for teens and adults. you start by selecting the mode you want and it will give you tutorials and hands-on exercises.

Start Teaching your child coding Now!. It will help him become a critical thinker, innovative and programmer. Remember the world is changing and to meet the world you should be good at Technology. Start grooming your wards to become programmers and if you wish to have professional trainers train your ward to contact us now +233 55 069 6082. Let us know in the comments if you have any other website which makes child coding easy
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Great Bros, and thanks very much
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