Why do you hate programming? it is difficult, it requires time, I need to be a genius, Programming is not for everyone. these are all lies but as newbies, we are been brainwashed, all because we never understood how to make our programming life simple. Upon researching and many trials and errors as a programmer, I concluded on 7 coding secrets to make you a successful programmer as stated and explained below:

Using IntelliSense

Way before the era of IntelliSense, Programers memorize every line of code. But now you need to just remember some few hints and you can write a whole program. By now you asking how? Yes, it’s possible using a technology called IntelliSense this gives code hinting and code suggestions making typing of code so sweet and simple.

Mostly You will hear senior Programmer lamenting code is sweet. Their secret all lies within the power IntelliSense is giving them. without intellisense, my coding life would have been miserable. It is a code completion aid that helps you by providing classes, parameters, descriptions, methods and many other useful informations that you will need to choose the correct word or phrases for your code. it’s worth trying it on your own and with the latest upgrade, it uses Artificial intelligence to learn how you write your code. Base on that provides the most useful pieces of information to help archive your goals with lesser keystrokes.

Mastering Logic

Programming languages are Unique, yes is true so how come one person program in many languages? and also can master programming languages within a few days? the answer is simple they have mastered logic, whats logic you are asking: Logic here is referring to conditional statements, these are statements and constructs that evaluates to true or false, though languages vary, conditions seems to be equal and behaves similarly with little or no changes in most programming languages. Every complex system is a combination of these logics. mastering the Logic gate and conditional statements can help you mimic and write most programs. though programmers rely on third-party libraries. We usually join these third party libraries with logics to produce a standard and professional system. Master your logic gate and your conditional statements and you will enjoy programming

Using documentation

All Programming Languages and frameworks have extensive documentation, why? because that’s where we go when stacked. No one can memorize all the prewritten classes, interfaces, libraries and methods in a language or framework.

Documentation helps explain with examples and code snippets. Usually, they explain so that newbies will also have the best understanding. but this usually doesn’t favor newbies due to the fact most are written by technical experts.

These experts expect that readers understand some basic principles and knowledge of which we usually lack. To get most out of documentations try reading the getting started portion first, at this section usually they explain in detail how they have written the manual and they explain any form of encoding and symbols so that you can apply it on other portions of the documentation.

Don’t try to memorize all cos its something you will never finish doing . remember programmers in the 21st-century don’t memorize all the code we remember few and with the help of IntelliSense we are good to go. Explore the Manual, it is a great place to unravel how to do many other things. and you will be surprised that what you are writing now someone has already written it with extensive documentation of which you can just implement or call saving you a lot of time making coding so sweet.

Use IDE not Text editors

Integrated development environments usually referred to as “IDE’s” are essential and must-have applications. Most Successful programmers buy this specialized IDE’s that comes with many useful and time-saving features. the good news is most of these IDE has a free version for students and sometimes a trial period for some time. using this IDE’s will increase your love for coding. Examples of this IDE’s are:

IDE’s are selected based on your own interests and findings, try and use most before concluding on what to use. Remember its just something you will be advancing and switching to and from. so keep exploring.

the worst thing to do is writing code in notepad or similar text editors like vim nano and the likes. though some people do use it but being efficient and memorizing less code you surely need a good IDE.

Code Snippets

This refers to small portions of reusable programming code stored and triggered or called by using a few keystrokes. Code snippets are great resources that help type code fast and become more efficient. I cannot talk about code snippets without talking about emmet for CSS and HTML coders. this provides shorter syntax to spit out a whole bunch of code. yes, that’s the power of snippets. Most IDE’s has preconfigured snippets but you can add to it either by configuring and adding your own snippets. or using plugins like Emmet and the likes. Remember code snippets will make your programming life so simple and lovely


Talking about coding secrets without talking about practice is something I cant afford. A work done before is no work, kinda funny huh! right yes, the most important aspect of programming is the repetition of tasks on different projects. practicing always will make the hardest task become so easy. Trust me, the more you do the more you understand, and the more you understand the easier it becomes. dedicate time for programming. Join forums to cooperate and learn from other programmers. subscribe to blog posts and channels that publish about your interest so that you miss no post and you will start enjoying writing code very soon.

Hunt for inspiration, not codes

newbies search for codes and always keep copying and pasting code into their project. This either brings more harm than good cos usually the writer of that code didn’t channel the logic to favor your environment. to be a successful programmer own your code try to understand others’ codes and write your own using the inspiration you got from theirs. it is really difficult to start doing this, Yes I know cos I have been a victim and i was able to overcome so then why can’t you? Yes, you are not alone but rewriting the code helps master and understand every portion of your code. This makes debugging and error tracing so simple. cos you have super control and you know everything about your code.

Programmers, we love coding and as always code is sweet, start applying these steps and let us also know your Secrets in the comments. happy coding