Whats app and telegram rival: Signal, says it has resolved all the technical problems which affected its services over the last few days, after experiencing huge new users trooping in.

Last Friday, messages send through both mobile and desktop apps kept on failing for many hours. The new privacy statement issued by Whats app led to the increased demand for Signal within the shortest possible time.

Signal messaging platform urged users to continue with their services and report any further problems.

Though it has been restored, it is advisable to check for “Bad encrypted message”. if so, then tap the menu in the top-right & tap “Reset secure session.” On iOS tap the “Reset Session” button below “Received message was out of sync.” The errors do not affect chat security & will be automatically fixed in the next app update. As shown below

Above is the current tweet from signal explaining the possible error messages users may see

Due to whats apps new privacy policy led to the increase in downloads of signal within a short period of time and this swift change harnessed the Signal technical problem.

As it stands Signal is back!.

What does WhatsApp share with Facebook?

WhatsApp has said the data it shares from users outside the EU and UK does not include messages, groups or call logs.

However, it does include:

  • phone number and other information provided on registration (such as name)
  • information about the user’s phone, including make, model, and mobile company
  • internet protocol (IP) addresses, which indicate the location of a user’s internet connections
  • any payments and financial transactions made over WhatsApp