LinkedIn is as much a search engine as Google, one that focuses on finding professionals, recruiters, companies, and jobs. It is an awesome website for building business connections.

Knowing how to use LinkedIn and finding LinkedIn jobs can rapidly enhance your life. We live in an age where tech skills create huge opportunities that never previously existed, and offer massive advantages over your less computer-literate competition.

Make yourself look and sound as impressive as possible, so that you stand out in the crowd.

LinkedIn is a huge asset for those looking for astounding work but it’s also fundamentally important to full-time employees, traditional businesses, and recruitment firms. Knowing how to use LinkedIn is, therefore, a crucial skill for professionals in the digital age.

Learn below-tested procedures to build an astounding LinkedIn profile:

1. Make Your Personal Brand Stand Out

Use your LinkedIn profile to make your own personal brand stand out. This instantly catches the eye of viewers and will make them want to learn much more about you. Your current employment is going to do this for you. If you are employed by a company, you have little control over your title, but if you are your own boss, think of something that will stand out and tell people exactly what you do.

Move down a little further to the summary. This is another place to create your personal brand. Sell yourself and what you do. What are your skills and why are you so good at your job? This is the only part of your whole profile where you get to design and layout everything. You’ll be stuck with following LinkedIn’s preferences later, so use this space to put your own personality into the content.

2. Highlight Your Work Experiences

You can do the same thing for each of your work experiences. So, use this to your advantage: Add your company websites, projects you’ve worked on, articles you’ve drafted, or anything else that can provide a more multimedia look at your work.

3. Request LinkedIn Recommendation every Month

When someone says, “You did a great job on a project!” ask him or her to take a snapshot of that success by writing a recommendation on LinkedIn. And don’t be afraid to specify what you’d like the recommender to focus on. Getting generic recommendations that say, “Michael was awesome to work with” aren’t very helpful—but something specific, like “Michael’s contributions on the project enabled us to increase sales by 50% over our actual expectation” will really showcase your strengths.

4. Update Your Status frequently

Just like on Facebook, you can update your LinkedIn status as often as you wish. So, do! Update it professionally and strategically (share the article you just wrote, not what you ate for lunch today), ideally once a week. Your entire network will see your updates, both in their news feeds and in the weekly LinkedIn network updates emails they receive.

5. Give Realistic Proof of your Prowess

It always helps to show proof when stating facts: “I have a reputation for delivering top-level performance and supporting growth so that businesses can thrive; established industry relationships that generated a double-digit increase in branch revenues”.

Now, that you have learned how to build an astounding LinkedIn Profile; Sign In to LinkedIn now and build your LinkedIn Profile with the above tactics and you will always excel in this competitive technological regime. Kindly share this post with others. Thanks.